Optimizing Feline Health with Every Bite: A Doctor’s Discussion on the Nutritional Needs Through a Cat's Life

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Welcome to the world of feline nutrition, where today, we will look into the ever-evolving science and art of feeding your cat throughout their life. I have personally seen and studied the impact of proper nutrition on our cats' overall health and want to share the knowledge with pet owners and interested minds!

Whether you're a first-time cat parent or a seasoned pro, this blog is your compass for understanding how to best support your feline friend’s development and overall quality of life at every stage.

So, join me as we embark on this journey to provide your cat with a life nourished in every sense of the word as we navigate the nutritional maze and support your feline companion to a lifetime of health and happiness.

Kitten Diets: The Foundation of Growth

Kittens are bundles of energy, and their curious nature will keep them active around the clock. Along with their endless energy, our kittens will be growing substantially in the first year of their life and require diets developed specifically for this life stage. Kitten food provides a higher energy content, essential nutrients, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals in ratios that are ideal for the unique requirements of growing kittens. Because they are formulated for growth, they should be fed until they are around 90% of their expected adult body size. It can be easy to overfeed our little lions, so just like for our older cats, this particular period needs attention to portion control.

The Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) sets standards for pet foods to guarantee they meet the nutritional needs of animals at different life stages. AAFCO kitten food is specifically formulated to support the rapid growth and development that kittens experience. Under AAFCO regulations, Kitten food is designed to promote proper bone growth, support brain development, and strengthen the immune system. It contains higher levels of essential nutrients like taurine, which is critical for heart and eye health, and DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid essential for brain and vision development. These foods are also enriched with the appropriate balance of calcium and phosphorus for healthy bone and tooth development.

Common Kitten Nutrition Misconception

Kittens on Adult Diets: Feeding kittens adult food diets so that they only have to feed all their cats one thing. Kittens need food for growth and should be on a diet formulated for kittens or for all stages.

Birman cat eating out of a bowl.Adult Cats: Maintenance and Muscle

As cats transition from kittenhood, their diets should support maintaining a healthy body weight and lean muscle mass. It’s important to understand that protein, not carbohydrates or fats, makes our cats feel full. Feeding an appropriate amount of protein is essential for long-term health in cats and can also help prevent obesity.

The debate between canned vs. dry food often concerns protein and water content. Most but not all canned food diets are primarily protein and fat. They are much lower in carbohydrates than most dry diets and have much more water. Increasing the water in cat diets is often recommended as they do not have a high thirst drive.

One study showed that a 12% increase in calories resulted in a 30% increase in body weight. This is very easy to do when diets are changed as the caloric content varies so much from diet to diet. It is very important to know the calories in the can of food or the cup of kibble and learn how much your particular cat needs to maintain a healthy body weight. Obesity is avoidable!

Along with understanding their calorie intake, learning body condition scoring is an essential skill for us cat owners. Cats with a body condition score of 6 live longer than cats with a score of 3 to 4. So slightly plump cats may live longer than skinny cats. Having a little extra fluff is okay, but, once again, remember, obesity is avoidable and causes an increased mortality rate for our felines, so let’s do this not just for the looks, but for the longevity of our cat’s lives!

Common Adult Cat Fun Fact

A fun fact I like to tell my clients is that after spaying or neutering, our felines' energy needs decrease by 25%.

Senior Cats: A Delicate Balance

Senior diets are less straightforward, with no consensus on what constitutes "senior" food. Evidence shows that most cats tend to gain weight in middle age and start losing weight and muscle mass after 11 years. They also have less ability to digest protein and fat. Because of this, most senior diets are lower in protein and calories, which is the opposite of what we want, although this is beginning to change. Luckily, these diets are starting to change, but senior recipes are still highly variable.

Senior cats' dietary needs might be closer to those of a kitten, requiring higher protein and calories to counteract muscle and weight loss. There is no cookie-cutter recipe that will fit every individual.

Your veterinarian's expertise is invaluable in navigating your cat’s senior years, as we can provide tailored dietary recommendations based on your cat's specific health conditions, such as kidney function, joint health, and metabolism changes. Regular veterinary check-ups allow for early detection of age-related issues, allowing dietary adjustments to be made quickly to address specific health concerns.

Orange, male, senior cat eating food.

Common Senior Nutrition Misconception

Older cats need less protein to protect their kidneys: Less protein equals less palatability and less lean muscle. Protein is a critical nutrient for cats as obligate carnivores. We are rethinking the whole idea of protein restriction in cats. It is more likely that phosphorous restriction in cats with kidney disease is a beneficial alteration in the diet.

3 Practical Tips for Pet Parents

  1. Monitor Caloric Intake: Knowing the caloric content of your cat's food helps maintain a healthy weight. Regular weigh-ins at home can flag early signs of health issues.
  2. Value of Play: Don't underestimate the value of play in burning calories, engaging the brain, and building muscle. Muscle is much more metabolically active and burns more calories than fat.
  3. Protein as a Healthy Snack: For cats, the best treats are pure protein, like dehydrated liver treats!

Navigating Nutrition Together

A cat's nutritional needs require more than a one-size-fits-all approach. It demands understanding, observation, and a willingness to adjust based on individual health and life stages.

The best guidance on your cat's nutrition comes from a professional who knows them inside and out - your veterinarian. They're not just there for health scares; they're partners in your pet’s life. Don't hesitate to reach out to them with questions about your cat's diet or health at any stage of their life.

If you have questions and want to contact us regarding your pet's nutrition, you can call us directly at 734-453-0485 or email us at [email protected]

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  • Cat Nutrition